Friday, February 5, 2010

Starrport.Ning replaced

Starrport (Jim Starry's design for environmentally-friendlier airports) had an own Ning site. It was planned to be a channel for updates and community building for Starrport. Because of spam and other adversities, the Ning will be suspended. Instead, point to where you can find an introduction video with Jim Starry himself who introduces his Starrport. A two-minute version is free, the full 8:36 version and some 200 high quality lifestyle videos in an advertising-free environment are available with a modest one-time subscription of $ 9,-.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Clean Technology in AWE Congress

Jim Starry Congress, (planned for September 2010) in Utrecht, the Netherlands
Seats2Meet, inside Central Station Utrecht, entry door left of AH (Albert Heijn) Supermarket
Language: English

This Congress shares innovative, smart technology solutions for Air, Water and Earth (AWE). The inspiring work of the American eco-inventor Jim Starry (see our website is presented for the first time exclusively in the Netherlands. His approach will be enhanced and complemented by field experts (to be announced soon). Breakout sessions invite everyone for personal input and inspirational co-creation. The programme will conclude with a prize draw for the most accessible, practical and affordable idea(s) from the participants.
More details soon.